- Chinese
- Dual Language
- English
Rural vs Urban

The idea that children are our hope for promoting a more understanding world for all people is clearly evident in I See the Sun in China, where the text is presented through the eyes of a child, and reveals the child’s emotions and sensual experiences of her journey to the city from the rural area; also symbolizing a journey of appreciation from the past /old China to the present and new. The author has an agenda to promote cultural understanding that we may all live in different parts of the world yet we all reside beneath the same sun; the sun is a symbol that connects us all.
As the child journeys through her day she meets people of all ages and she shares her appreciation for her cultural identity, history, the adults she encounters, and ends with her hopes for the future in the modern China.
This book presents a glimpse of China through the eyes of a little girl, as opposed to traditional travel books that presents a country through adult eyes, thus having more appeal and connection with younger people.
Another outstanding feature of these series is that the books are presented in both English and the language of the country .Visually; the publishers have gone against the norm and presented the text with the host language written first on the page above the English. The importance of this is that it may positively affect how the reader is positioned when he or she engages with this book. A Chinese student in an English dominant classroom or an English Language Learner may feel even more validated by seeing this book. It is an opportunity for the English language learner to acquire new vocabulary while feeling at ease (their affective filter is diminished) because of the familiar content. Chinese terms and phrases are used authentically in the text, and the book features a glossary in both languages .
The publishers suggest that the books would appeal to ages four and up. The genre is certainly realistic fiction, but the reference to actual places and facts about life in China makes this a good introduction to informational texts for younger people.